It has been a busy time with birthdays, parties and jazz performances. Not all me though.
The biggest monkey had her first show and I have come to the conclusion, I am not a show mum. All of the rehearsals, make up and costume dramas were beyond me. I just wanted her to get on the stage and have a great time. And luckily she did, all the time with a huge smile on her cute little face.
I was my birthday last week. I was thoroughly spoilt with my husband taking the day off, taking me to lunch and giving me jewellery. What more could you ask for, really.
The Christmas knitting has been finished and will be popped in the post today to the recipient.
In fact almost all of the Christmas shopping has been completed. I hate the crowds that wander around the shops at Christmas time. I just want to get in and get what and want and get home to do some knitting or the like!!

We put up the Christmas tree with the monkeys.

The weather has been fantastic, very strange for this time of year. We even got out the water slide.

Who knew they throw rubber chickens for athletics day, fantastic!!